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  • Martine

Successful Lifebook Coach training in Kenya (Kisumu)

Bijgewerkt op: 18 jun. 2019

Successful training of 31 yet to be Lifebook Coaches and two official trainers for Kenya.

Imagine growing up as a child, aware of all your positive aspects and characteristics, nice events as well as memories of good encounters with people. Imagine being able to feel them as your own force and resource. The organization “Lifebook for Youth” are making this a reality by having organized a four days Youth Lifebook Training for the members of FICE Kenya. For if we know where we came from, then we will know where to go.

Lifebook giving children a new and expanded view of the past, drawing strength and confidence for their future

The Lifebook entails the transformation of thoughts and emotions to positive thoughts – imagine a huge stone dropped in water forming a continuous and endless ripple that fills you and captures all that is within you, transforming it into positivity. The Lifebook has a manual that gives the coach guidelines to accompany children through the Lifebook. It entails: How to use the Lifebook Manual as a Coach, from theory to over preparation and group selection to practice. The Lifebook itself entails: My life until now – which was a reflection from being a baby to whom someone is now; My best friend; My school; My creative side; Me as an Animal; My family; My network; My deep thoughts; My treasures; My residence; My house and My future. The Lifebook furthers children to let go their worries, burning them into ashes and realizing their incredible potential.

Successful training of 31 yet to be Lifebook Coaches and two official trainers for Kenya

The training started off on 29th of April to the 2nd of May. The aim of the Lifebook training was to enable the trainees to be able to understand fully, what it means for a child to work on his or her own Lifebook.  The first two days training was facilitated by Martine Tobe and the master of trainers Alma Bezemer from FICE Netherlands, where they successfully trained 16 participants on biographical work and experiental learning. Every coach got an official Lifebook for Youth manual and the Lifebook. The two trainers-to-be (Beth Odingo and Elisha Ochieng, members of Make Me Smile Kenya) trained the second group of 17 individuals for the other two days under the supervision of Alma Bezemer. This raised a total of 33 individuals from FICE-Kenya and Make Me Smile Kenya, who were successfully trained. After the training, the trainees had their evaluations and were each handed five Lifebooks to take through five children within three months. The training was called to end with each of them receiving their participation certificates.

Source: website make me smile

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